There are two sets of paintings on this page. Each uses a different painting approach. Scroll down to see both types of paintings.
Planned Abstracts
These paintings were inspired by a few simple drawings. They were then developed by adding and subtracting shapes using a variety of techniques.
Till Shrimp Learn To Whistle - SOLD
Recurring Dream - SOLD
Where To From Here? - SOLD
Arctic Dream / watercolor / 25 X 31 inches framed
Works From Memory
These are watercolors reflecting remembered experiences. Earthbound reflects a childhood memory of a family trip to the Iowa woods to gather Morrel mushrooms. I obtained texture though the use of tracing paper laid on top of wet paint. Night Ice is a cold winter night by Lake Waban and is painted on paper coated with gesso. Waterfall is a memory of a “hanging “waterfall in a family trip out west. It incorporates Asian paper collage and watercolor painting.